Vangelo del giorno e Angolo della Preghiera

In questa sezione potete leggere e meditare il vangelo del giorno.
Inoltre vi è la possibilità di inserire un intenzione di preghiera: in questo modo
ogni visitatore avrà la possibilità di leggere la vostra richiesta di intercessione,
del tutto anonima, e pregare per voi.
I frati raccoglieranno le vostre richieste di settimana in settimana e
le presenteranno all’altare del Signore
durante la messa votiva dell’Eucarestia del giovedì sera.


  • For the healing of my mental and emotional health. I pray for peace in my heart, mind, and soul.
  • This is urgent and I need a gracious gift, or possibly a miracle.

    Please ask Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to keep me in my work. Right now, part of my organization in the company is moving to another group. And I could be let go.

    Please speak graciously to Christ's Heart. Asking and petitioning Him to keep me in my work. To build me up, and strengthen me.

    Also ask him to heal my childhood, physical and interior setbacks plaguing me. That affect my work, and my duties, responsibilities. Also ask him to help me, or even better, find a place I can afford, save, and move to.

    Please ask him to be gracious and merciful.

    My physical condition right now is becoming worse. And I need a prayer of mercy and possibly a miracle.

    Thank you,
  • Pregate per due anni per liberarci dalla setta satanica che ci opprime ci massacra da tredici anni facendoci di tutto ci vogliono far morire e ci stuprano pregate per far morire questi assassini che ci perseguitano. Pregate per la guarigione mia e della mia famiglia siamo in disperazione grazie spero in una vostra risposta
  • I'd like to pray for my Grandma, her soul and body. She suffered death and died April 4th 2022.

    Please ask and petition from the Clemency and Leniency of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. That Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, and Our Lady would pour forth graces of a drug that aides managing pain quite well without killing the body, and shutting down organs. This is a huge mistake and error of humanity with the use of morphine. We're in need of a drug that does not kill the patient for the sake of pain management. Suffeing must be obtainable, not to the degree of such severity, nor having to use medication that kills someone.

    For those who try to manage using morphine for pain, but the end result of killing their elder family. They need much more hope and Divine Assistance. And the person in the elder state need Divine assistance.

    Ask Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to spare people at an elder state in life of suffering whereby morphine comes as thr only viable option.
  • Panie Jezu Miłosierny prosimy o Miłosierdzie Boże i łaskę życia wiecznego w Niebie dla śp.Eugeniusza Krzystek ,śp.Magdaleny Woźniak oraz dla dusz w czyśćcu cierpiących.
  • Panie Jezu prosimy o Miłosierdzie Boże i łaskę życia wiecznego w Niebie dla śp.Ludwika Krzystek,śp.Franciszka Krzystek,śp.Wiktora Krzystek,śp.Antoniego Krzystek,śp.Jakuba Krzystek,śp.Józefa Krzystek,śp.Józefy Pociechy,śp.Mari Kuźma,śp.Anieli Treit,śp.Bolesława Korczyńskiego,śp.Jadwigi Mireckiej,śp.Jana Korczyńskiego,śp.Magdaleny Woźniak,śp.Urszuli Mróz,śp.Tadeusza Treit,śp.Janusza Treit,śp.Zofi Krzystek,śp.Anny Krzystek,śp.Czesława Krzystek,śp.Zbigniewa Krzystek,śp.Eugeni Tabeau.
    Proszą Jadwiga i Artur
  • Per la guarigione dei miei occhi, affinché possa continuare a vedere le meraviglie del creato e poter aaiutare gli altri.
    nel modo che il Signore mi indicherà.
  • Chiedo aiuto per la ennesima buona e risolutoria confessione per non cadere mai più negli stessi peccati
  • Per la guarigione del mio orecchio che non mi fa dormire neppure la notte
  • Please ask Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to honestly carry over my prayers and petitions, doubts frustrations, discouragments in my prayerlife. Please grant everything and all I ask and beseech Him. Someone tell me this prayer has been made in His Blessed Presence. Even if possible my youth restored as I was 15 to 16 years of age. And everything else I pray for. Thank you,
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